1:1 Coaching - The heART of Self Love

The most valuable and fundamental journey if you want to come home to your heart and its intuitive intelligence. You’ll also learn to build emotional resilience from a strong and loving centre.

Healing and reconnection is a process which takes time, patience and your commitment to yourself, this will be the key in this work being life changing. We’ll work together intuitively, with Love. compassion, and with no expectations. I like to work this way because it helps us to connect and work with the flow of life and divine guidance - whatever it presents to us. 

The commitment is a minimum of 3 months with an ideal of 6 months, which gives us time to connect, unfold, heal, build resilience and align. I use a unique blend of coaching, integrative therapies and intuitive healing all within a safe container so you feel able to express yourself freely.

£750 for 3 months online, via Zoom.

£1,400 for 6 months online, via Zoom.

Intuitive Flow Healing

This healing I facilitate is completely intuitive and use I pure light energy with guidance to clear energetic / emotional blocks. I call this intuitive flow, because I generally work to create ‘flow’ within the chakra and energetic systems, flushing out anything that doesn’t serve you. Each person’s outcome is completely different and no two sessions are alike. I facilitate this healing in 3 consecutive sessions (within around a week), as I’ve found that this has the most benefit in clearing and leaving you feeling lighter and more aligned internally.

 I currently do distance intuitive flow healing, which isn’t bound by time or space to do its amazing work.

£120 for 3 x 45 minute online sessions, via Zoom.

Heart Connection Workshops

With current times being more chaotic and stressful than ever, we desperately need moments to recalibrate and harmonise our heart rhythms. A positive emotional state creates coherence in our entire system and energy field, improving our lives, relationships and performance.

You’ll learn to become attuned with your heart and its great wisdom so you operate from a place of love, kindness and compassion and away from anxiousness, stress and worry.

For workplace workshops, I use ‘Building Personal Resilience’ framework of the exceptional HeartMath Institute, where I’ve certified as a HeartMath Coach. Heart based work really is the future.

Please contact me for pricing and more info below.