My Journey

My real journey to spiritual enlightenment began in January, 2020. Although I had been in and out of the idea of knowing that there is a greater force out there, a better way of living for a few years before that, something clicked in that new year… March came and we are all forced to just stop. Instead of spiralling out of control and worrying about the events of the world, I wholeheartedly found myself. I was finally able to take the time for myself that I hand longed for. 

I began meditating every day and it changed my life. After some time I became very good at being still, observing my thoughts and just being in the present moment. I loved it. Being able to clear my mind and watch my thoughts, I noticed just how negative my thought patterns were. The constant worrying, moaning, living in a lack mindset and feeling the victim - as if the world owed me something - it was awful. It didn’t make me feel good at all… I didn’t notice or pay any attention to this, until I started mediating. As soon as I was able to be still, I realised that my thoughts were ruining my life, I started to change the way I think. 

I dove straight in and began to work out where all these thoughts really came from. I did some deep shadow work, confronted and questioned my ‘beliefs’ trauma’s and everything in between but I enjoyed it. It’s been a few years of working on myself so far, and nothing happens over night. It’s simply being consistent which can somehow be one of the hardest things to do at times… Just when I thought I had gotten over something, it crept back up again. But I kept doing the work, using different methods: journalling, releasing old wounds, meditating, therapy with my study group, past life regression. From my experience, I found that healing is a mix of releasing the old and re-wiring with the new and soon enough, the old thought patterns start slipping away and the new thoughts become stronger and more frequent. Change is very possible, its actually inevitable when you consistently show up for yourself. 

I felt this new way of living and being so freeing! I had a whole new understanding of myself and life and surprise - it’s not what has been romanticised on social media and imbedded in us through society…  Life is so much more than that. I’ve learnt that It’s about being who you truly are, we’re all so different and it’s beautiful! Why would we all want to be the same? How boring would that get? Differences educate us and makes us more whole; it takes nothing away, despite what we’ve been led to believe. 

Finding myself in this new space is more than I could have ever imagined. I no longer worry about the things I used to: finding my ‘soul mate’, being financially free, trying to find a place to live. None of it really matters, because I’m happy within myself. We all look to these external things to find happiness, when we can literally have it right now in this moment. What do you have right now to be thankful for? It’s going to be a lot more than you think. The Ego doesn’t stop trying to ‘protect’ us and some negative thoughts do still come up at times and it’s normal. The difference now is that I notice straight away and replace with a better version. 

The best chapter has just started and now I live in wonder of where it will go, not how I’m going to get there. The Universe will take care of that. There’s still a lifetime to learn and I’m so excited for all of it. I’m more free than I’ve ever been and that’s all I ever wanted, but it was hidden under all the material stuff that I thought I wanted. I would never have known this without coming back to my truth, without Meditation. It’s not a short journey but it’s worth it. The reward far outweighs the path ahead and looking back, the path is necessary. So don’t feel bad about the one you’ve walked until now. It’s your own beautiful story. 

I’m so proud of my journey and the start in life that I once hated. It’s lead to me to a place where I can help others do the same. I’m now a qualified Holistic Therapist and a certified a Mindfulness Coach. I also practice Reiki professionally. If my journey inspires you in any way, please feel free to reach out to me and see how we can work together to help you find the best relationship with you too. It’s likely to be the best thing you’ll do! 


Bali (first Solo trip)